Saturday, October 9, 2010

Interview Process-Tast Two

  • What questions still remain?

  • There really isn't anymore questions I need. Just little bits and pices that I might need when writing the paper.

  • How did it go?

  • The interview went great!  I loved hearing about her life and how she has became educated

  • Where did you conduct it?

  • It took place at my grandmas house at her kitchen table!

  • What did you learn?

  • I learned so many things. Her home life and her school life. I learned she never went to college cause she got married to the man a month later after she met him.

  • How do you intend to transition to the writing process?

  •  I plan to write it as if I'm telling the audience a story of her

  • What concerns do you have?

  • my concern is if I have enough information and making sure I get it right

  • How do you expect to overcome them?

  • Ask more if i need more. And let her check it

    1 comment:

    1. Hi Aza,

      Is your Grandma near in proximity so that you are able to interview her? The fact that she is married a month after meeting her husband is interesting, but do you think it pertains to the paper's focus? If so, establish this significance.
