Monday, October 25, 2010

For you to analyze- "Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood"

The audience I believe Botstein  is writing for is the parents, authorities, anyone over the teen-age age, and the teens. He needs to be talking to everyone.  He talks to the authorities and parents but they all used to be teens and know what it is like.  He needs to target the teens now so they can learn and teach the younger. Letting teens try being what they aren't is harder so say than do.  Some teens are mature enough but some aren't ready.  If we let the right audience know then maybe it will effect them and the rest of the people who they are around. As Botstein talks about in the essay he says that " the teams sports of high school dominate more than student culture"  meaning kids are more into sports/life than school.  They want to be like there parents out in the real world and on there own.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aza,

    Because we haven't discussed audience in depth, I don't expect you and your peers to understand the concept of audience awareness fully. It is difficult to assume that "everyone" is the target audience for Botstein's essay. When you are examining who the target audience is, I suggest looking at the author's tone. Look at the language the author is using. Finally, look at the support of the essay and/or speech.

    Ms. C
