Sunday, October 31, 2010

Task 3 - Reflection Kozol

Some of the topics that Kozol talks about are how kids are placed in schools according to there districts.  I have mixed feelings about that.  A student should have the right to choose where they want to go.  They should be allowed to try the school they are assigned to and If they dont like it than they can transfer.  Or if  there parents rather send them to a Private school they should be allowed.  Like me, I was allowed to choose where I wanted to be placed.  I choose Private.  Friends are a huge decision on where a child goes.  If they have friends and feel fit it in they will stay.  Your neighbored is usually who you go to school with. Some people rather not go to the school who they are neighbors with.  They want to be raised better. I believe students have the right to choose where they want to be and how much knowledge they have.

Task 3 - Reflection

My focus for task three is to talk about, why I came to college. At first I thought I had it all planned out but after reading the last short stories we read last, made me want to use one of them instead.  Im not exactly sure though. My education experience I know is different than most of the students in my class. Me coming to college was mostly mandatory and also a way to show me school mates and parents that I want to move on in life.  I wasn't the brightest student but with help of teachers and friends I passed.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kozol - Analysis

One of the things that kozol talks about in his book is suburban schools vrs urban.  I myself come from a different kind of lifestyle. The kind of school I came from was a private school.  I haven't  been apart of the kind of schools that most of my classmates have been apart of.  I am blessed to be raised in a nice family who could afforded to give me a good education.  I believe that the part of neighborhood you live in is usually the kind of school you will go to.  Usually your neighbors are some of your classmates.  Although some go out of there way to put there child in a better school.  Theses two schools are classified as good school and poor school.  Usually when going to a school you don't have the choice to where you go.  Most schools are like that. Kids should be able to go where they want.  If color or race bothers them then they need to find a different school or accept the way God made some people.  We are all the same.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Task 3 response

Why did you decide to come to college?
 The reason I decided to come to college was one to get child support and I wanted to further my educated and I want to pursue my dreams.  College I feel is big in my family and at first I felt pressured to go.  During my senior year my parents would pound me with questions about college so there I felt pressured.  But I liked being pressured to help to be on top of things.  I didn't have to come to college but I want to be someone in the future and now.  I also wanted the experience I have heard all my friends talk about. I'm not getting the dorm experience but I'm still making friends by living at home and I'm okay with that.  College has been a great experience.  I'm very excited to meet new friends and start my future. If it wasn't for the support of my family and especially friends I wouldn't be doing so well as I have been. Thanks to them I have came a long way with my education.  My most praise goes to God. Without him through all of this there wouldn't even be a me.  I cant play around like I did in HS this is the world and if I fail I fail.  I only get so many redoes till they say I'm out.  I am going to do the best I can and hope for the best.

For you to analyze- "Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood"

The audience I believe Botstein  is writing for is the parents, authorities, anyone over the teen-age age, and the teens. He needs to be talking to everyone.  He talks to the authorities and parents but they all used to be teens and know what it is like.  He needs to target the teens now so they can learn and teach the younger. Letting teens try being what they aren't is harder so say than do.  Some teens are mature enough but some aren't ready.  If we let the right audience know then maybe it will effect them and the rest of the people who they are around. As Botstein talks about in the essay he says that " the teams sports of high school dominate more than student culture"  meaning kids are more into sports/life than school.  They want to be like there parents out in the real world and on there own.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Where college fails us response

There are actually a few reasons why I came to college.  One is I wouldn't be able to get my child support money if I decided not to go to college. I wanted to expand my education. Also I wanted to get the experience and meet new people. I love meeting new people.  I felt like If i didn't go to college where would I be.  I felt like Id be bored and see all my friends at college while I'm not doing anything. except working .  College isn't for everyone I feel.  Some can do great things and make a difference without going to college. Getting a good education doesn't mean you have to go to college eve tho according to this world college is the way to a better and brighter future.  I want to have the feeling of accomplishment after getting my diploma and the feeling that college was a right choice.  I do feel that college is worth your time and effort.  If your someone who doesn't care than I say you should not go and let the people who want to go get there education and you rethink what you are doing.  We are spending so much money and time. We might as well use the time wisely and strive for the best.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

evaluation for task

What is the thesis for your paper?

  • List the main points you make in your paper.

  • Education, family life, school life, getting married, takin care of children

  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?

  • That I need to make an outline and put things in order.

  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? .
    I wrote a lot of drafts.  I had it typed out and took each paragraph the 2nd time around and tried to fix my mistakes.

  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?

  • Go into deph more. I needed to ask more questions and get more information on them

  • What are most pleased with about this paper?
     That I got it done. And that I now feel like I understand my grandma now more

  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?

  •   That I should do whats best for me and do what makes me happy.  College is great so take that chance.

    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    Interview Process-Tast Two

  • What questions still remain?

  • There really isn't anymore questions I need. Just little bits and pices that I might need when writing the paper.

  • How did it go?

  • The interview went great!  I loved hearing about her life and how she has became educated

  • Where did you conduct it?

  • It took place at my grandmas house at her kitchen table!

  • What did you learn?

  • I learned so many things. Her home life and her school life. I learned she never went to college cause she got married to the man a month later after she met him.

  • How do you intend to transition to the writing process?

  •  I plan to write it as if I'm telling the audience a story of her

  • What concerns do you have?

  • my concern is if I have enough information and making sure I get it right

  • How do you expect to overcome them?

  • Ask more if i need more. And let her check it

    Tuesday, October 5, 2010

    Becomming Educated - Response

    Education-"the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.''(

       What an education means to me is when you start off going to elementary school and going through Jr high and then finally graduating High School. Then if you want to further your education like many you go to College.   Getting a education is something we all should be thankful to have.  I know I am thank for and grateful for even being about to go to college.  Education is rare.  When getting it most students try to push it off cause they don't know how great they really have.  When sending your kid to a public school and seeing them slack off makes you wonder how there parents did and if that child really knows how good he/she has it.