Friday, September 24, 2010

Writing Topics- # 6

A memoriable moment I remember from my childhood is when my family decided to take a trip to Alaska!  I was so excited. I remember hearing that since we wernt flying and since I was the smallest I had to sit in the back middle with my brother and sister on my sides. It took us about 2 days to get there. When we got there we went to the hotel and looked around. I really liked the hotel. During the week we went to differnt food places and lots of tourisit places. We saw lots of mounitains. We went panning for gold , and saw snow dogs.
This trip was very fun for me.  spending time with family and being about to connect with them. I love traveling. I do wish I could go back. When we went we saw a lot of mountians and lots of tourist attractions, when I go again I hope to see more of the main city and shop more!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aza,

    Thank you for sharing!

    I have always wanted to visit Alaska. I'm not a particular fan of cold weather; however, I hear it is beautiful.

    Ms. C
