Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Response to "How It Feels to be Colored"

The labels I give myself would be sporty, out-going, photographer, funny. caring. Christian The reason I give myself these are because that's who I am and what I do. I love sports playing them and watching (more playing) and being with people. I love taking photos and showing my talent. I love making people laugh and being there for them. Being a Christian is who/what I am everyday and especially in my actions.

In some ways I am like Hurston, I love to listen to music and try to myself in the song. I try to understand it and make a memory. Music is something that will never get old. When I'm with friends and we all hear a song we know we all step out of our comfort zone and just sing. Its great and it brings memories. Also I am adopted. I once wasn't an American Citizen. Even tho I was young and didn't know I can at least be somewhat in that category.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aza,

    Let's focus this response further. How are the labels that you identify yourself as either similar or different than Hurston? You mention music. What about the moment that Hurston loses herself in the music. What happens? When she opens her eyes, what does she see? Why?
