Monday, September 27, 2010

Casa: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood - Questions and reflection and writing #3

Cuento is a Spanish word meaning literally "story" or "tale". Cuento may specifically refer to folk tales, a category of folklore that includes stories passed down through oral tradition. The word cuento may also be used as a verb to say "tell", as if you are "telling" a story ("Cuento").
Some examples of a cuento is the story Jack and the Corn Stalk, Jack and Jill, Yankee Doodle Donkey, and sooo many more. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Writing Topics- # 6

A memoriable moment I remember from my childhood is when my family decided to take a trip to Alaska!  I was so excited. I remember hearing that since we wernt flying and since I was the smallest I had to sit in the back middle with my brother and sister on my sides. It took us about 2 days to get there. When we got there we went to the hotel and looked around. I really liked the hotel. During the week we went to differnt food places and lots of tourisit places. We saw lots of mounitains. We went panning for gold , and saw snow dogs.
This trip was very fun for me.  spending time with family and being about to connect with them. I love traveling. I do wish I could go back. When we went we saw a lot of mountians and lots of tourist attractions, when I go again I hope to see more of the main city and shop more!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Task Two Subjects

  • Why are you interested in these subjects? They have been through a lot in life and they seam to have a interesting background
  • What makes him/her interesting and unique?
  • What sort of questions would you ask and why?
  • What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two? not asking the right questions, not asking enough questions,
  • What do you anticipate? Why?
  • What questions do you have for Task Two? tell me about you. Tell me about your child life and family, How was your High school life? Tell me about your experience, What was your college experience like

Monday, September 20, 2010

Self-Evaluation - Task One


What is the thesis for your paper?
- My thesis is my adoption process and my medical procedures my parents and I had to face 

List the main points you make in your paper.
 - the main ideas of my paper are:
* my adoption
* My Medical procedures

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
- My most helpful advice was from my Mom. I asked my dad but she gave me more advice 

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
- Changing my Thesis
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?

- I wrote like 2 drafts. I wrote my paper than I had my friend and sister revise it.  I did write lots of notes and then put it all together.  

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?

I got a lot of information than wrote my paper.  

What are most pleased with about this paper?
I am pleased that first off I got it all done and turned in all time. I am also pleased with that I actually tried and asked help on it. ( usually I don't ask help on it)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

On Becoming a Chicano

I define myself as Russian/Gypsy but also a Citizen of the United States.  I myself have gone threw many struggles But I have also been very blessed.. I have struggled with have rickets, parents divorce and having one re marry, blended family, sister and brother moving out, abuse. and just choosing the right college and friends. I don't think of struggles as obstacles. I think of them as goals not finished.
Some experiences that Mr. Rodriguez and I share are that we both weren't born in the USA. And that I also had to lean English.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fill in the Blanks

My topic is my adoption, The reason I plan on writing about my adoption is because it is a very significant moment in my life. If I wasn't adopted I wouldn't be alive and I wouldn't be here writing this. I am very blessed. I want my reader to understand where I am coming from, I want them to realize that I'm here not just by doctors but I'm here cause of a miracle.

Response to "How It Feels to be Colored"

The labels I give myself would be sporty, out-going, photographer, funny. caring. Christian The reason I give myself these are because that's who I am and what I do. I love sports playing them and watching (more playing) and being with people. I love taking photos and showing my talent. I love making people laugh and being there for them. Being a Christian is who/what I am everyday and especially in my actions.

In some ways I am like Hurston, I love to listen to music and try to myself in the song. I try to understand it and make a memory. Music is something that will never get old. When I'm with friends and we all hear a song we know we all step out of our comfort zone and just sing. Its great and it brings memories. Also I am adopted. I once wasn't an American Citizen. Even tho I was young and didn't know I can at least be somewhat in that category.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Questions for Reflection and Writing

All threw out my life I have had many elderly influences  people in my life. But the ones that stick out the most would be my Uncle Don  and Aunt Virgina and also my step moms Mom and Dad. 

My Uncle and Aunt are from my mom side. My uncle has been a preacher at a church and has always encouraged me to be the best I can. They are people who I love seeing and I could talk to for hours just about anything. Every time I go to there house I feel like I am home and its also very pretty and clean!

My step moms Mom and Dad are amazing! sure they are loud and obnoxious but whose family isn't? They are the kind of people who I'm not afraid to be myself around and they have known me from the day I was adopted. They have seen me grow and they are just people I look up to.

Task one: ideas

For my Task One I have came up with numerous ideas.  I have thought about writing about my parents divorce and how my dad got remarried and how it has been a struggle but has gotten way better.  I have thought about writing about my grandma who lives in Texas of how she has always been there for me. I have also thought about to write about how I was a adopted from Russia and how it is a miracle I am still alive today!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Letter of Introduction

My name is Aza Francis and I graduated from St. Joseph Christian School in St. Joseph, MO.  My major is Art. I want to be some kind of professional photographer in the near future. Coming to MWSU was a big step for me cause at first my plans was to go to another college. In High School I was involved with basketball, and XC (Cross Country). At first you would think of me of being shy, but when you get to know me I'm really outgoing and love to have fun.

My experience as a writer and reader are neutral. At my graduating High School (St.Joseph Christian School) they tried to prepare us for college by having us write papers and read stories and answer questions about them. For writing we would have to use MLA style and have 12 font double space. It also depended on the teacher as well. We would have to write more than 2 and a half pages. usually we would have to read 3 books in a year and have to write a paper on them and then present them to the class. Reading hasn't been big for me. The only books I can fully said I have read are the Twilight series. I read what the teachers have givin me and thats about it.